What are contactless ordering payments for restaurants/bars in Los Angeles, California for Coronavirus?
What are contactless ordering payments for restaurants/bars in Los Angeles, California for Coronavirus? PROTECT RESTAURANT CUSTOMERS AND STAFF FROM COVID-19 INFECTION View menus and place orders for dine-in, take-out, and drive-thrus. Maintain social distancing and protect staff and customers from the risk of COVID-19 infection while processing orders faster and with fewer resources. Eliminate personal contact between customers and restaurant staff and viral transmission from contact with touch screen order kiosks, payment cards, and payment devices. Unlike other Order & Pay solutions, there's no mobile app to download, no customer Internet connection, and no web navigation. MyIQMenu instantly displays menu information when customers select…
- Date: March 31, 2021
- Author: Dedeveloperz
- Category: Products/ Services, Uncategorized